She hopes you had a good a time as she did. The shows were very well received and Red Entertainment are really pleased with the tour. The president of the Judy Garland Fan club came to see the show and said it was the best tribute he had seen in years. Fine praise indeed. There are talk already underway for something to follow up.......Watch this space.

At the BBC and a meeting with Ruth Langsford.
Tom Anderson - My partner in life for over 40 years your love and devotion has been constant. You pick me up when I am down, support me and love me. I am the luckiest person to have you.
Adam - Carl & Lee - The Three Musthavequeers. Adam does so much for me and Tom. Hairdresser, webmaster, roadie, confidante, counsellor and my best friend. Carl the strong silent one who calmly gets on with things. Lee, the most caring soul we love the three of you.
Lee Waddingham for believing in me and the concept of the show. Your enthusiasm has been incredible. I wish I had you in my professional life 40 years ago. You have become an amazing friend who I know is always looking out for me. More than that - you make me FEEL like a star. I love ya!
Red Entertainment, All you guys have been wonderful and supportive. Your vision for the show was exactly what I had in mind, only better. I hope we continue workinng together for a long time.
For Aunty, a very special lady. A second mother to me all my life. Standing by me always. Wise with your counsel and pure with all your words. Helpful, strong and determined and loving beyond measure.
Anne Nolan - For the duet. It was a fabulous opportunity to do that duet, I just knew it would work. Sounds great too, if I say so myself. Travelling all that way for a three minute song. The older we get the closer we become. I love you
Maureen, Linda, Coleen, Brian and Tommy Nolan - Maureen was our roadie for a day! Thanks for all you did that day. For all my Brothers and Sisters. Thanks for coming to the show and saying such lovely things afterwards. It made me feel so special to be praised by such talented people. All that aside, family is so special. We know more than most. Having lost our beloved Sister a few years ago. Like any family we have had our fights, but I love you all unconditionally.
Dave Bintley my musical director. Not only are you a great guy whom Tom and I both adore. You are a beautiful musician. Your playing is just gorgeous. There are no superlatives to say how good you are and how much I appreciate your hard work. Thank you
Jimi - the sound guy. I have been performing all these years as a solo act and have always relied on theatre sound people. Even when touring with a musical the sound guy has so many people to look after. Having my own sound guy was incredible. I never want to do the show again without you. You didn't look like you would like the music of Garland and maybe you don't. But Judy herself couldn't have a better person on sound than you. A thoroughly nice man too.
Neil Shatliff - trumpet trousers. The best trumpet player in the business and such a gent. Never lets me down and is always on top form.
All the musicians on the tour - Nathan Welch whom I have known for years. Such a stylish player, so soulful in his style. The pleasure was all mine. Ellie Smith, our only female musician on the tour. Your gifted playing was appreciated. As was your lovely company. Pete Twist on Tenor Sax one of my favourite instruments played by one of my favourite musicians. I have worked with the best and you are in that company. Rick Halliwell on Alto Sax, complimenting Pete's tenor. Great sounds on stage and great people to be around.
WOW you all played so beautifully. I hope we can all do it again soon.
To the managers and staff of all the venues. Thank you for being so lovely. In particular I wanted to thank the guys at Crewe and Lytham who were so so helpful. They couldn't have done any more if they were paid roadies.
All my family and friends who came to see me - especially the gig at Lytham where I seemed to know so many of you. It was a special night, I felt like I was floating on air.
To my friends at Denham who travelled all the way to Rickmansworth by coach to see the show. You cheering throughout was such a thrill.
My fans - Oh my word you make the loudest noise and that makes me feel amazing. It was a pleasure to meet so many of you after the shows. Yvonne flying over from Spain, Julian from Ireland, the Julies who went to Crewe and brought some of my old singles for me to sign. You guys have stood by me throughout my whole career. As the Nolans we have the best fans anywhere in the world. It's 46 years since the Nolan Sisters started out and here you all are - still sending Birthday and Christmas cards and presents. I don't think any artist can say that about their fans. I speak for all of us when I say we truly appreciate it. I love you all so very much.
For fans of Judy who came along to see the show because of our love of the great lady. I hope you came in as a Judy fan and left as a Judy and Denise one. I always say that it is not an impersonation. I always sing with my heart. I hope you feel I did justice to Judy
For Judy herself. I have always felt an affinity to Judy. We have had so many similar things happen in our lives. Our worries about self esteem, weight, confidence, and all the other things. Whatever it was Judy, the music spoke for itself. You have kept the music alive long after you left this earth. That is the mark of a legend and I owe so much to your legacy - Thank you.