This limited edition CD is available in STRICTLY LIMITED quantities. Stage Door Records are proud to present 'The Singing Nolans' the debut album from the Nolan Family has been re-mastered from the original master tapes by producer Jim Mcloud who produced the album when it was first recorded in 1972. The album is priced £12 including postage. We are happy to accept Bank Transfer, Paypal or Cheque.
Please whatsapp 07880838801 or email adsnolan@hotmail.co.uk for bank details and information. The Nolans will dedicate your CD to you and all sign it. This album, whilst basic in production is a piece of Nolans history and is a must-have for Nolans fans and collectors.
1 Oom-Pa-Pa/Where is Love 2 I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing 3 Mother of Mine 4 Little Green Apples 5 Danny Boy/My Ain Folk 6 Beg, Steal or Borrow 7 For Once in My Life 8 'The Sound of Music' Medley 9 Blackpool (Bonus Track) 10 Apple Pie (Bonus Track) 11 Silent Night (Bonus Track) 12 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 13 Santa Claus is Comin' to Town (Bonus Track) 14 White Christmas (Bornus Track)
Today in Blackpool all five surviving Nolan Sisters headed to the Cliffs Hotel on the town's promenade to unveil a Blue Plaque, named in their honour. Coleen's son Jake had initicated the submission to the Blackpool Trust After careful consideration, the trust decided to give permission for the plaque to go ahead. Jake, along wih several of his cousins then raised the money to purchase the plaque. On 16th October almost the entire family attended the event. A private room was set aside for family and friends to enjoy drinks and a specially made cake to mark the occasion. Coleen's daughter had decked the room with scores of photographs showing all the family at various stages of their careers, both in the act and as solo artistes. The town's Mayor and Deputy Mayoress were also present, as were several members of the press who lined up to photograph the Sisters as they entered the hotel. The Mayor made a speech, as did the chairperson of Blackpool Trust, after which the family, including Brian Nolan, the girls brother, walked outside the hotel to be greeted by several fans who had made their way to the hotel after hearing of the occasion through social media.
The beautiful plaque was unveiled with Denise making a short speech expressing the entire family's joy at being honoured in such a spectacular way. As the press took more photos, the Nolan family were joined by two cancer survivors who wished to say how inspired they had been by Anne and Linda's handling of their own cancer diagnosis. A pensioner who used a walking frame had also made her way to the hotel to meet the family. She declared that she had been a fan of the group since the very beginning. Special mention was made to Bernie who died ten years previously.
After the uveiling, the family went indoors for more refreshments and to talk to journalists in the very room where their now legendary performance has taken place. For those that might not know, the Nolan Family had always refused to work on Christmas Day, as a busy entertainment group, they believed that Christmas Day should be a family occasion. A chance telephone call from the Cliffs Hotel told their Father, Tommy, that the booked act had cancelled. Tommy declined the offer of the gig. Shortly afterwards the Cliffs called back and asked Tommy to 'name his price', quoting an unprecedented £80, Tommy rang off, safe in the knowledge that the hotel would not come up with the price. Within half an hour, the hotel called and agreed to the fee. After hanging up Tommy declared he wasn't going to go to the gig anyway. Their mother, Maureen, however decided that as they had agreed to a price, that they were duty bound to turn up. Her daughters and sons agreed. At the show, the hotel guests included businessman Joe Lewis. Lewis had recently opened up three London nightclub Theatre Restaurants. On the spot, Lewis invited the family to star in a residency on London's Drury Lane in the heart of the West End. The contract was a ten year one with wages beyond their wildest dreams. They would perform for six nights a week. Within a few weeks of relocating to London the five sisters, were selected to be the main act. Brothers Brian and Tommy did not wish to leave Blackpool and new management saw the most potential with the five sisters rather than them and their parents. After their parents stood down, the Nolan Sisters underwent a hectic schedule of rehearsals for a whole new show. Under the supervision Stewart Morris, the head of the BBC Light Entertainment Department. John Coleman and Alyn Ainsworth arranged new songs, new costumes were made, the girls given new hair styles, and dance routines, created by Nigel Lythgoe were practiced to perfect the show. Within weeks of opening the show Morris had brought Cliff Richard into the venue to see the show, with a view to including them in his up-coming TV series that Morris was producing. Cliff loved the Nolan Sisters' act and they were quickly signed to appear in the entire series of 'It's Cliff' - The Nolan Sisters became household names overnight - And it was all thanks to a concert at the Cliffs Hotel in Blackpool!

The Nolans (left to right) Anne, Coleen, Linda, Brian, Denise and Maureen.
Brother Tommy was unable to make it because of other committments.

Things have been a little bit quiet of late, this is in no small part because Denise has been at home looking after Linda. Things might be that way for the fore-seeable future. However, a couple of years ago, Denise was asked to speak at a funeral of a close friend. She did a very good job! Afterwards at the wake, several people came up to Denise and discussed with her how well she did. Over time, the role as repeated at other funerals, and each time, the response was the same. It came as a complete shock to Denise when she was asked to be the celebrant at a funeral of a person she didn't know. Naturally, this is not a happy occasion. This is obviously a very serious matter. It turned out, that the daughter of the deceased was a Nolans fan. She found great comfort in talking about her mother to Denise. The fact that Denise is used to being in front of a large group of people and speaking, is an advantage. But Denise is a good listener, she is calm under circumstances that other people might find stressful. There have been a few occasions more recently where Denise has carried out this task. Because of her limitations to travel far from home, she is only available to carry out this service to people living within the FY postal district. Denise will liase with you to find appropriate words to say at your loved one's committal. She can also act as a celebrant at Weddings or Christenings/Naming Ceremonies. For legal reasons, weddings etc need to be carried out by a certified resistrar. But should you wish to have additional words, spoken at a time of great joy - then why not get in touch with us to see if Denise can provide you with a service.