JANUARY 4th 2022
November 4th, 2023:
Well, the Singing Nolans CD has been released, and to my complete shock - it has been a chart hit. The album is, as far as we know, a limited edition. You see, excuse my vagueness, but we recorded the album in 1972. We travelled to London to a tiny studio and recorded the whole album in a day. The studio was only the size of a sitting room, with my Mum and Dad and my Sisters and I. Oh, and there was our organist, Roly Harworth as well. As far as we were concerned, it was the most exciting thing ever. We felt like stars. Our Dad went drinking the night before and was a little worse for wear the next day when we recorded. I cannot remember, or we weren' told how the album came about. We met Jim Mclean on the day of recording and when it was finished we came home. A short time afterwards, a few boxes of the album came to our house in Blackpool. We would take some of them to our shows and sell them to people in the audience. When I heard the new CD I was a little apprehensive. I knew it would sound terribly basic. I was also dreading to hear my own vocals. But I was surprised at how well I handled 'For Once In My Life' I always sang the song at our shows and it went down a storm, other solos I performed were Shirley Bassey's 'This Is My Life' and Cilla Black's 'Anyone Who Had A Heart' I am still a dramatic singer and love the feelings you can convey in a song. Coleen sings some Christmas songs. I remember her going on stage with her Teddy bear to sing 'Santa Clause Is Coming To Town' - she did it at two years old! It used to tear the place down. Listening to her on the album, she was still only seven or eight years and she sang in perfect pitch throughout. She ought to be very proud of herself. Anne said that if she were to release the song now, it would be a hit - because it is just too cute. No doubt, she would be mortified at the album. It is a real dilemma, on the one hand, the album is technically, not a masterpiece, and on the other, it is wonderful, because it is a piece of our family history. We all have mobile phones now to capture evey memory. Back in 1972 we had no such luxury and even the little cinne camera we did have, had no sound recording capability. So, this CD is living proof of what we were doing as a family act in 1972. So, despite the album's short-comings, I will treasure my copy.
Because Jim owns the rights to the album we weren't due any royalties, but the record company that have released the album gave us a limited supply that we can sell ourselves. It won't buy us a villa in the Maldives, but it was thoughtful. According to Amazon, there were only 800 of them being released by him. So, imagine my shock - in a nice way - to find that the album had charted on their Traditional Pop chart, where it reached number two. It is a lovely feeling to think that the fans who have supported all our careers for the last fifty years are still interested in buying the CD. We certainly have the best fans in the world. We did a CD signing before the release date, and I expeccted just a few to be signed. In fact, a big bag full came and we started signing them. Linda wrote the dedication, as I am the worst writer in the family! As she was told the name of the person to whom the CD was being dedicated to, we found ourselves saying 'Is that Clive from the Midlands?' and 'Steve, I think he has moved to Portsmouth' 'Oh has Ann bought one for her partner Wing as well?' - So, thank you one and all for buying the CD from us directly. I means the world to us all. It's not easy getting us all together - and so, the bag had to be moved about for the next one of us to sign, and we had to wait for Maureen to have her day off from her tour. I have been told that the next batch for signing will happen soon, so - Where's my Sharpie!!

2023, and a new look website. I know all of you who follow my family will be aware that Linda's cancer has spread to her liver and brain. Linda tells her story regularly in her newspaper column in the Mirror. She now does the column every week. It is good that she is able to share her progress during a very difficult time for all our family, especially her. Linda moved into my house when her her cancer spread. It's not easy to leave all your home comforts and move into someone else's house. But we are just getting on with life, trying to make memories for us all. My partner, Tom, as most of you will know, was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease a couple of years ago. Of course, I am on hand to care for the two of them. My Sisters have all been brilliant too at sharing the load. This kind of thing happens to lots of people when they get a bit older. My own aches and pains are a bit more noticeable, I've got a dodgy knee! This is why I have been a bit slow at giving an update on my blog. We found out at the weekend that our very first album is being released on CD for the first time. The album features all the family. Mum and Dad, my brothers and my sisters - Coleen was aged seven, Bernie was nearly twelve, Linda thirteen, Maureen seventeen, Anne was nineteen. My brothers Tommy and Brian were twenty one and sixteen respectively. The record actually displays our ages incorrectly - people getting their facts wrong is the story of my life! The album was recorded in two days. Side One in a day and the flip side the next! We had our organist Roly Harworth with us on the recording - and that was it! There's no orchestration at all. I said that I didn't think there would be much demand for the CD, but I was shocked that when the fan club found out about it - they all went mad asking to reserve copies. I can't wait to hear it, as it has been remastered I believe. In 1980 a new version of it was released. This time, they had added some extra instruments. I don't know whic version is coming out yet - but it is kind of exciting!
There's some bonus tracks on the album too. We released a single in 1972 called 'Blackpool' which is about the football team, and the other side features a song written for us, called 'Apple Pie' which was modern for its time. We also had a Christmas EP out, with four songs; Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Santa Clause Is Coming To Town, White Christmas and Silent Night. They are going to be included on the album as well. I hope you enjoy the record. It is being given a very limited run, so make sure you get in early to get your copy. You can order the CD from our site or from the record company itself. www.stagedoorrecords.com The record comes out on October 27th.
Thanks very much for all the kind words you have been sending in, the messages really do give us a boost. We have had cards, presents, flowers and gifts. We have amazing fans who have stayed with us for years. You all mean the absolute world to us.
JANUARY 4th 2022
Before we left for America, I was able to see Maureen in her musical 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' I was so impressed. The show had everyone on their feet singing and dancing. Maureen worked really hard on it, touring the length and bredth of the country. I was also able to see her in her Panto in Stafford. We arrived at a local restaurant - One of a chain I might add - They denied we had a booking. Which was a worry because the booking was for ten people. Anne, Amy and Ryder, her friend Leah, Vinny, Nevaeh, Adam and his husband, Carl, My friend Lee and me!! The pllace was mostly empty. They said they could squeeze us in - Ha!! We were five minutes late - at 1505, so we asked if our food would be with us by 4pm as we had to be at the theatre for a show that started at 5pm. The lovely waitress came and guarenteed that we would have our food. The drinks orfer was hilarious for a pub. No orange, no J20, no Lemonade, no sparkling water. So everyone had a diet Coke. We started to panic a little at 4pm when nothing had arrived. I must stress here that we hadn't ordered anything complex....Three kids meals and things like Burgers and ribs and Chicken sandwiches. The waitress said we wouldn't be eating until 4-30... So we had to leave. I was charged £26 for drinks and when I complained by email the next day I was told off because the food bill left them out of pocket!! I am not joking, the place was dead. The manager then went on Twitter to display my complaint before having a slanging match with Amy - in full view of anyone who cared to watch. I swore I would never set foot in a REVOLUTION restaurant again. What followed was hysterical. We ran to McDonalds and Starbucks, most of us hadn't eaten since breakfast. We ate the food like savages. Then we had to run to the theatre. We sat down just as the lights dimmed. The show was brilliant. It is fantastic to see a theatre full again. I had only one gripe, about Snow White laying 'dead' and a comedy routine being played out in front of the body. But that's panto....
The cast stayed in costume for our kids to meet after the show which was a lovely thing. The kids were thrilled. I do miss Panto, perhaps 2022 will see me back up on stage being a wicked Queen again. I think I am ready.
How did you enjoy Crusing With The Nolans? It was such fun to film. There was a major cock up with my passport running out. I didn't understand why they needed one for a UK cruise. But apparently the ship went fourteen miles outside UK waters!! I joined the ship a few days after the girls and they made the event quite a story. I really enjoyed being on the ship. Mind you, I could have done ithout the early mornings. I suffer with insomnia and I am not a morning person....But we had a real laugh and spend so much quality time together.
Linda's chemotherapy has been progressing and although she has had her bad days, where she has felt really ill, on the whole, she has been able to carry on with her life. I mised them terrible over Christmas. Most of them went to Coleen's house for New Year, but Anne stayed at home because our Auntie has not been so good. She was able to spend Christmas day with the rest of the family which was fabulous.
Tom and me, as well as all our family have had our jabs and boosters, we felt it was important with Linda and Anne having cancer treatment. I hope you too all get vaccinated. We believe it's for the best. Not that I am trying to lecture anyone. But we are firmly in favour of the vaccine.
Well, That is about it for now. Thanks for all your kind messages, gifts and cards. It's great that you do all of that. It means the world to us all.
Hope 2022 is a good one for you all. It can#t be any worse than 2021 can it.
Hope you like the new website!
I know - It has been forever since I last wrote anything in my blog. If you have looked in the newspapers you might have seen what our family has been dealing with. My chap, Tom was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a couple of years ago and we have finally managed to get his medication at the right dose. We also had to deal with the loss of his beloved Sister, Margaret who died this year of Alzheimer's Disease. This was a total shock to us all as it happened so quickly. She had recently moved to Blackpool to be closer to us and almost immediately she began to get confused. She phoned all hours of the day to tell us that people had broken into her house, whch of course, they hadn't. It became increasingly difficult to cope for her. She was leaving the gas on and losing things. Eventually, because of the Covid scare, Drs and Social Workers became involved. We were not allowed into her house, as Tom was considered vulnerable. I also had two Sisters who were recently diagnosed as having cancer (Both for the second time). So,, the social workers put Margaret in a home and very quickly she deteriorated. If it was possible, we took comfort that for the last few weeks of her life, we were able to visit her and spend time with her. She had a huge stroke one day and passed away the next. It was a terrible time for both Tom and myself. I had known Margaret since the mid 1970s. She was more than just my parter's Sister, she was a best friend. A confident and a huge part of my life. We will miss her terribly. The Covid thing hit us all, and I am sure - yourself, like a ton of bricks. At the very start of it Anne was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is twenty years since she last fought and won the disease. Within days of the diagnosis Linda was told that the secondary breast cancer she had been living with for a couple of years had spread to her liver. We were all struck numb. I know my Sisters hate to use the word 'brave' when they are talking about how they dealt with cancer - but they were!! It was made more difficult that any appointments at the hospital had to be attended alone. We also have an 87 year old Auntie and she has skin cancer that can't ever be cured. Maureen moved in with Anne (Who lives with our Auntie) They created a bubble and Maureen was incredible. She did all the shopping and while Anne was feeling rotten with the chemo Maureen did a fantastic job of cheering her up. Linda moved in with Tom and me and I did my best to be nurse, carer and house keeper. It was a time like no other. I had my birthday in the first lockdown and I was really not looking forward to it. I've always thought that Birthdays are special. Anyway, it was a gorgeous day. People began calling by in little groups. They left gifts and cards outside and pressed the doorbell. We were able to chat to everyone and believe it or not, I had a fabulous day. As the restrictions got a little more relaxed in the summer, we were able to get together in my garden and spend time with one another. Adam, who does all our hair was able to cut our hair in the garden, wearing a mask of course!!
It was at this time that Anne lost her hair. It started to go thin and Adam cut it short, as he did with Linda. It was a bit pointless though, as within a few days both of them lost more and more hair. In the end Adam shaved both of their heads with a cut throat razor! It was strange, because everyone said 'Oh it doesn't look too bad' and 'Actually because you have lovely eyes it suits you' and 'you have a nice shaped head' I wasn't there when the shave toook place. But Linda was heart broken. She has always had beautiful hair and she just didn't want to lose it. She said she was going to thump the first person who said any of the things I just wrote above. Of course, the first thing I said was 'Oh it suits you, becuase you have nice big eyes' Luckily, she didn't thump me!!! The hospital agreed that Anne and Linda could have their chemotherapy at the the same time. It was good that they had the support of one another. The staff even gave them a room where they could be undetected. The crazy thing was that none of us were able to earn any money doing what we do. Hardly anyone in show business was earning. A newpaper offered to carry the story and so we were sworn to secrecy. It is a tough decision whether to tell the press a story. People can use it against you and say that you are doing it for cash - but people in our industry are like anyone else. It became clear when famous names took on jobs as Amazon drivers. At Christmas time the rules were relaxed and we wera in a position to have a gathering around our table. I think there was about ten of us. Adam brought his beef and gravy and Maureen brought desserts. We all chipped in. It was strange, but we did manage to site far enough apart when we were in the sitting room. Then we sat together around the table. Of course there was a spike in cases shortly after, but we were very lucky. In fact, only Maureen's son caught Covid during that first year. One thing that we did do that turned out to be a life saver, was to install ZOOM. Three times a week, Anne and Maureen, Myself and Linda, our Brother Tommy and his wife Jackie, and Adam all logged in. On Mondays it was Adams quiz, Wednesday it was Tommy's and Anne took care of Fridays. It was fantastic. we had two hours, three times a week where we could chat, see one another and have fun with a quiz. It wasn't really about winning the quiz, it was about being able to have a laugh and a natter. We actually managed to keep our quiz nights going for a year. You will have seen that at the start of the lockdown Anne, Mauree, Linda and Coleen filmed 'The Nolans Go Cruising' which was shown later in the year. They followed that up with 'At home with the Nolans' which I agreed to take part in. I was quite nervous because of the Covid thing. But the production crew had it all sorted out. We went everywhere in separate taxis and everything was in order with tests and taking our tempetures every day. It was really good fun to be together in Blackpool. Of course there was a lot of sadness too as it was in the middle of Anne and Linda's diagnosis. We have just finished filming the new series of 'The Nolans Go Cruising' I can't tell you too much about it, as it will spoil the fun. But again we had a fabulous time. It was great fun. I decided that I needed to diet, like so many people, I ate too much during the lockdown. Did you see us on the many many TV shows where we were asked to take part in campaigns for flu jabs? mask recycling? As well as all the interviews that we all did that promoted the 'At Home' shows. We did them via ZOOM. It was a lot less hassle than driving to a city and being in a studio. The filming has been completed for the cruise show and that should be on your screens in September. I should, all being well, have a nice surprise for you later this year. I was asked to do panto this year and unfortunately I had to turn it down because we are planning to go to America to spend Christmas with Tom's son and his family. That might not happen now, if the rules don't change. Ah well - That's showbizz!
August 3rd 2020
Hi Everyone.
You may have read In The Sun Newspaper about my sisters cancer fight. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. They are SO appreciated!! This has been the worst year of my life!! It started out SO well. I LOVED doing my Garland tribute, then this virus struck!!! My sister Anne and I wore masks from day one, ignoring scornful glances and laughter, because we felt it was right. Now, it turns out, we were!!! Apart from Mo’s son, Danny, who was quite ill with Covid, no other family member has had it, thank God, we have had friends suffer with it, but no fatalities. Some of the tragic deaths were SO upsetting, especially having no family with them on their demise. The heroism of the NHS touched me deeply. There were good moments, Captain Tom Moore. Now Sir, who has raised over 17 million Pounds!!! Spending time at home, no travelling. The caring nature of neighbours and being SO appreciative of the NHS. We are SO lucky in this country to have them. We have to fight for them. Then, it started!!! My Tom was diagnosed firstly, with Parkinson's Disease. I had felt he had it anyway, but still upsetting. He is his usual optimistic self, and the Docs say it is less severe at his age than someone in his fifties, but it made me paranoid about the virus as he is at risk from Covid with his age and his illness. My birthday on 6th April was heavy lockdown, but my lovely family congregated at the gate. and held up banners and left presents on the doorstep. It will defo be a birthday I won’t forget!!! Then the cancers!!!!! Linda’s chemo is less severe as hers is palliative. She has injections for five days after chemo which inflame her arthritis and she is in great pain. After that, physically she’s okay, but struggling badly emotionally. Poor Linda knows hers could come back regularly as this is her third time, and while treatable, is incurable. She doesn’t know if she could cope again, the hair loss has been devastating. Anne’s is a new cancer, which is good, and already the treatment is working. But hers was a grade 3, (4 being the worst) very aggressive, so she is having very aggressive chemo. She has spent ten days in hospital after the second treatment and her anxiety is through the roof! I think we all need anxiety tablets!!! Anne has not been physically sick but aches and pains and constant exhaustion. She has spent a lot of time in bed. This bloody virus has meant that she can’t hug her beloved daughters and precious grandchildren. That has been a huge upset for both her and Linda (who adores her little Great nieces and nephews as they do, her).
We try and get together now that lockdown has eased and just laugh and spend quality time together. Both my Tom’s sisters have dementia, too, and as one lives in Blackpool, he is constantly on the phone to her or we are round there just to keep her company. They both ring him day and night with imaginary problems. Bless them, we went through Alzheimers with my Mother, another huge anxiety!!!
One slight complaint on behalf of anyone going through Chemo.
While Anne can cope with the hair loss, Linda really struggled, so as she did when she first had cancer, she had what they call The Cold Cap. It freezes the follicles during chemo and she didn’t lose her hair. This time, they gave her a cap that wasn’t big enough, more suitable for a child and said you will lose the back of your hair because of it. She was distraught and the lovely staff searched for the right one which she used for her second chemo. It did prevent more hair loss, but it was too late and she couldn’t have it again as her hair was too thin and it would burn her scalp. The whole attitude is, ‘It will Grow Again’!! Never say that to Linda. It doesn’t help. She feels awful and this could have been prevented if she had been given the right one!!!!
All the cancer charities say, most women say the very worst thing for them is losing their hair!! So, everything should be done to help prevent this for those it upsets. The right cold cap would help!!!
While Anne can cope with the hair loss, Linda really struggled, so as she did when she first had cancer, she had what they call The Cold Cap. It freezes the follicles during chemo and she didn’t lose her hair. This time, they gave her a cap that wasn’t big enough, more suitable for a child and said you will lose the back of your hair because of it. She was distraught and the lovely staff searched for the right one which she used for her second chemo. It did prevent more hair loss, but it was too late and she couldn’t have it again as her hair was too thin and it would burn her scalp. The whole attitude is, ‘It will Grow Again’!! Never say that to Linda. It doesn’t help. She feels awful and this could have been prevented if she had been given the right one!!!!
All the cancer charities say, most women say the very worst thing for them is losing their hair!! So, everything should be done to help prevent this for those it upsets. The right cold cap would help!!!
Apart from that everything is great!!! 😫😫😫😫!!!
And How was your week!!
2nd October 2019
28th February 2020
The tour now seems like a distant memory, even though it was only a few days since it finished. Most artists carry out a post tour analysis and Denise is no exception. She enjoyed the promotional part of this tour. She thinks that is in no small part because Lee Waddingham from Red Entertainment was by her side. Red have been phenomenal throughout. Denise pointed out that she wished the same team were there to guide her many years ago. Having a team who are enthusiastic, professional and competant was to prove a vital part of the show. Lee had ecured the services of sound man, Jimmy, who was fantastic. It is not easy having seven musicians on stage who want to hear different things from their fold back monitor. The Musical Director Dave Bintley for example wanted to hear Denise, his keyboards and a little bit of the drums. Whilst Neil Shatliff the trumpet player wanted Denise, his trumpet and keyboards. The logistics of the tour are also something that has to be taken into account. While you are at home, perhaps even still asleep, the crew have been getting things together. For this example we will use the Crewe concert. Denise and Tom had set off the night before having booked into a hotel. This gave her ample time to eat, relax and rest. It is far more stressful driving to a gig the day it is happening. Motorway stress and delays only add to the pressure. The crew left Birmingham quite early on show day. Once at the theatre they make sure that the right number of seats are on stage. This show had five drapes that hung from high above the stage that needed fitting. The crew beaver away at this, making sure the lights hit the drapes at the right angles. Then there is a smoke machine, lighting effects and 'legs' which are angled so artists can walk on stage without being seen from the auditorium. Whilst that is all happening the sound man - Jimmy is draping hundreds of wires over seats knowing where they will ultimately end up. He has to set up music stands, microphones and mic stands. On some of the shows there was to be a surprise element - Anne Nolan and Denise perform a fabulous duet that Judy and Streisand sang in the early 60s. When that happens - not at Crewe - an extra mic is needed. All the musicians need microphones too. Not for singing, but for their instruments. That is a lot of sound levels to get right. Myself and Carl, my partner arrive at lunchtime. On this occasion we drove Maureen to the venue, I'll explain why a little later. So, once we are at the venue it is time for us to do the "Get In" in this case, Tom had driven his SUV to the side of the stage. If you see a large shutter gate on a theatre it is usually at the side of the actual stage. This is called the 'Get In' Musicals often have large sets and this is the only way that they can be placed on stage. Tom has a large drum kit that needs to be unloaded. Not to appear unkind, but Tom is not as young as he was and it is quite a heavy job. In no time at all the crew, myself and Carl have the kit on stage. Then we have to get the music, Denise's costumes, Tom's outfit and all the bags that contain A LOT of stuff into the dressing room. Musicians are scheduled to arrive at one pm. Denise makes us all a cup of tea before we start the next jobs. The musicians on this tour are mainly ones that Denise has employed on Garland shows and other events. They read music like you and I read a book. Still, it is a while since they last did the show and one or two are newbies to the show. That means that they will need to go through the whole show before it is ready to be played to the audience. Denise has a little vocal warm up in the dressing room before taking to the stage. It is a completely different set up when a theatre is empty. There's lots of banter and a laid back attitude. The musicians begin to arrive. This is where I step in. I have chatted with the theatre staff and got myself used to the layout. I can then show the musicians where their dressing rooms are, the toilets and the emergency doors. Lee Waddingham, who is a great friend of mine arrives and although he isn't in the show, he is given a dressing room.
Jimmy has all but connected everything up and all that is needed now are voices and instruments. The company take to the stage. This is my moment! I can go to Denise's dressing room and hang her outfits out on a rail in the order that they will be worn. The shoes are set up so they are with the right outfit. Make up is set up with all the creams, powders, colours, mascara, eyeliner, brushes and lipstick in the right order. Hot brush plugged in - Hairspray, deoderant, soap, flannels, towels and tights are all in their correct place. Dressing gown hung up - water in the fridge - tea bags ready - heating on - mirror lights on - and the many many bags and cases are tidied for later on. Then I do the same in Tom's dressing room. Fortunately the men don't wear make up! The musicians share a dressing room, although we have a lady this time and she has a room of her own. As Denise's rehearsal is going to take about three hours we have a chance to go out and get a bite to eat at this time. Although Denise is singing the whole show for rehearsal - she is not 'Singing' her mic is on of course and she half sings. That way the band can hear how the song will sound and the keys and tempo Denise uses. It's quite a technical process but it is fascinating to watch. Maureen says that she is going to read a book in the dressing room while Denise is performing tonight. She wants to see the show in Lytham with friends and family. She will hear it on the dressing room monitor. Tom has taken a dislike to driving long distance at night and that is why we drove Maureen there. She would then drive Tom's car back home - The Nolan family all have a part to play in most things!
After the rehearsals Denise begins her preparations. The musicians often have a beer in the bar. It is not unusual to see a performer with vast experience show signs of nerves. Denise included. She tells me "I'm cacking it - terrified!" I think getting ready helps concentrate the nerves to some extent. Denise has a Martini back stage and that helps too. I have made sure she has a room temperature water on stage. It's quite hot on stage, so I put water in the fridge. By the time I have put it on stage it is the right temperature. Too cold and the vocal chords can be affected. I nip into the bar and have a drink with Tom, before going backstage to have a final check. By now Denise is wearing her first half costume. She picked clothes made by John Rocha and Frank Usher. The first half has stunning black sequinned trousers. A black sequinned top and a black and silver sequinned jacket. Denise looks amazing as she comes down stairs to the stage entry. I am holding her microphone ready for her to grab as she is announced. We all say how fantastic she looks and she says "I feel sick - I don't think I can do this - WHY do we do this?" I tell her that I have had a peep at the audience and the place looks pretty full. There's definately a buzz in the air. For the last ten minutes the band have been doing their final bit of tuning up. Tom takes his place and the curtain rises. This show has an overture that lasts about five minutes. Many of Judy Garland's biggest hits are in the piece which plays like a medley. There are two drum rolls - the first is for Denise to take her mark in the wings. I hand her the mic and she says "Here goes." The show starts with Denise singing her first line off stage.
"I was born in a trunk - at the Princess Theatre, in Tallahassee, Idaho....." Then there is a pre recorded "Ladies and Gentlemen. Miss Denise Nolan."
With that she is on. For perhaps 30 seconds I can detect the faintest sounnd of nerves in her voice - that is only because I know her voice better than most! After that, I can see she has settled down and is already loving every second. The next hour I can watch from various places behind the drapes. The audience can't see me - but I can see them. By song three they are whistling and cheering. It is a magical thing to see an audience go from being sat in a theatre in February to being entertained, and for them to be having such a good time. Just before the act one finale I head to the dressing room to put the kettle on a get her another Martini - she has earned it. There is only twenty minutes to have a drink, reapply make up, fix hair and change costume. So little things like making a drink are a great help. Before you know it the band are back on their marks and playing the intro music again. Denise is working the crowd for the second half while i go to the dressing room where I can pack away some things. Her first half costume which I check to see is clean and does not have any make up on it. If it does I make a note that it will have to be cleaned before the next show. The second half costume is a scarlet red trouser suit with a white top. It is sensational. I can put away almost all the make up, shoes and hair products. The room is prepared for her coming back and I can go to the stage and watch the second half.
When the show comes to a close Denise stands in the wings for her encore. She was overwhelmed by the cheers. As she walked back on stage the audience had risen to their feet. She sang 'Over the rainbow' the song's climax was met with an eruption of cheers and a complete standing ovation. As she handed me the mic she mouthed "Oh My God" walking back to the audience she blew kisses and took her final bows. Lee Waddingham was most impressed, saying "It was a triumph - her night". The band meanwhile are already changed out of their dinner suits and on their way home! Jimmy the sound man is unravelling all the cables he put together only a few hours ago. The crew are taking down the drapes. I had a quick dash to the stage door where I knew some of Denise's friends and a few fans who Denise had agreed to meet backstage, were waiting. Maureen was now transporting the shed load of flowers that had arrived. All her belongings had been packed away. It seems to take a lot less time to dismantle everything than it does to put it all together. Denise poses for photographs and signs autographs. She is clearly on a high. Just then, Lee Waddingham came backstage to say that some of the audience had had such a memorable evening that they would love to meet the star of the show. There's not so many who would agree to going out to meet them, but she did. Happy to pose for more pictures. Shortly after this all the fans go home - content that the night was a success for Denise and for them.
The likes of us - and Maureen are carrying drums back to the car - it is freezing cold and pouring with rain. There is only one way that all the equipment can be put in the car. Only two people know this - Tom and Me! So the job takes a little while to get done. Just as we finish Jimmy and the sound van drive away. We say goodbye to the crew and the theatre staff. It feels like it is the middle of the night and it is only just after ten. Lee is off to his hotel and musicians are going all points of the compass. The crew, back to Birmingham. Our two cars head out of Crewe for the rotten weather drive back to Blackpool. There's little chance anyone will sleep because we have all had adrenaline running through our bodies for a whole day. Instead, at home over a large glass of wine we discuss what was great and what could be improved. Make no mistake, touring is a hard slog. It is also vastly rewarding. Meeting people who have written in as fans is a great feeling. As is being part of the complex set of events that makes a show happen. It has been an absolute ball - Denise has loved every second of it. I hope that my first, and I hope only blog has been informative.
A x
Hi, everyone.
People are always asking me about Panto. Why have I stopped? My sisters will agree with me that I, and I think Linda, are the only ones who ever really enjoyed doing Panto. I suppose we were always lucky enough to have our partners with us whilst the other girls didn’t, and missed their families so much. Yes I missed my family, but Panto became part of my Christmas, a big part, and Tom, bless him, always made sure we got home Christmas day to spend it with family, no matter how far away the show was.
Why did I love it?
I always wanted to do a musical and this was the next best thing. I never thought, with my insecurity I’d get to be Cinderella or Snow White, (the latter I played umpteen time’s including the Phoenix Theatre where I eventually played Mrs Johnson in Blood Brothers.) I remember my nephew and Godson Jake came to his first Panto and saw me as Snow White, and followed me around like a puppy for weeks afterwards, convinced I WAS Snow White. He was 23 at the time!! Ha ha, I’m joking of course, he was just 2 years old. The beautiful dresses, the fun social life. The camaraderie of the cast. We used to have two or three week rehearsals, three month runs in the seventies and eighties, and a twelve piece orchestras!!
Now it’s usually five or six day rehearsals, Eight weeks of shows crammed into three weeks. A three piece band if you are lucky, or taped music which I abhor!! 10am shows, three shows a day and the cast spend the hours with no time for socialising, usually with coughs and colds made worse by exhaustion. It was always hard work but fun and rewarding too.
The theory about 10am shows is they get all the schools coming, filling the theatres before Christmas, which is true, (the little darlings 😩😩😩)
Then why are there far LESS people attending Panto these days?
In my opinion two reasons;
If you put 10am shows with cheaper seats on because it attracts all the schools, then with their children having seen the show, the parents don’t need to take the kids for a Christmas treat, as the little ones have already seen the show AT HALF PRICE. Therefore they can save money for more important things at this very expensive time of year. That’s why after Christmas, it’s empty!!
Also, using people with no ability just because they are well known and put ‘bums on seats’ is counter productive in my opinion. Yes, the year they are on, it will be packed with their fans. But the following year, their fans won’t be there and neither will the many Panto regulars, because the prices have gone up to pay for the exorbitant fees of the untalented stars and the Panto last year was SO bad because they couldn’t sing, dance etc.
It’s the regular Panto lovers who keep it going. We must look after them!! Panto, the only strong. British tradition is fading fast.!! We MUST cherish it!!! As an insomniac I cannot handle going on stage shouting over screaming hordes of school kids and then doing it again twice more each day, but would still to this day, do it again, if I was offered the right show.
I will always love it though and hope Pantomime lasts forever.
1st October 2019
I am SO happy to be repeating my tribute To the great Judy Garland in Feb/March. Thank you Adam, SO MUCH, for my FAB website and the great new info about the tour.
Dates and venues to follow soon. Thank you also to my good friend Lee Waddingham and www.redentertainment.co.uk for promoting the show and putting together the fabulous poster and all your hard work. Lee and I and my Tom have known each other a long time!! Many’s the Wicked Queen I’ve played with Lee!!! I have never enjoyed any show more than this one. It started out with a superb pianist called Brian Pendleton who recommended I should do this show.
I will always be grateful for his faith in me and thank him to this day!! Since I was a child I have felt an affinity with Ms Garland. I too, suffered with a complete lack of confidence brought on by people telling you, you can sing, but you’re not much to look at!! Think that a trillion times more in Judy’s case, surrounded by beautiful movie stars and treated like something the cat’s dragged in. Pills given to her, as a child to help with weight problems, Insomnia, exhaustion etc etc. All with Her Mother’s approval!!!
I suffered with all those problems, still do, but have never taken pills, apart from headache tablets!! There has always been enough love from family and friends to bolster my confidence and help me stand up for myself, and like Judy, put me on a stage and I become a different person!!!
I could never and wouldn’t ever try to emulate her. She was probably and arguably the greatest female performer whoever lived and I consider myself SO privileged to have a chance to pay tribute to her. I have a seven piece band of extraordinary musicians behind me including my superb Musical Director Dave Bintley, and Tom (he’s not good but he’s cheap, only kidding) on drums, and I must stress it is my OWN interpretation of her songs, taken, with a few exceptions, from, again, arguably one of Judy’s greatest ever performances. Carnegie Hall, New York, in 1961.
I, personally, cannot sing with somebody else’s heart and emotions. If you come to the show and feel there is any similarity to Ms Garland it will be accidental and I will consider it a great compliment.
I will talk about her life, the good and tragic, (see the amazing Renee Zeilweger movie ‘Judy’ and when you see it, bring some tissues, it is Heartbreaking!!)
I hope to see some Nolans Fans there, ready to embrace something different, and If you have relatives or friends who love ‘The Man That Got Away’ ‘The Trolley Song’ 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ ‘San Francisco’
Then bring them along.I’ll see you there!!!
Denise xxx
24th JUNE 2019
24th June 2019
I am just back from my niece Ciara's 18th Birthday party which was held in Manchester at a fabulou hotel. The occasion was fancy dress with a film twist. I dressed as Anne Bolyn from a film about her life. Anne was Anna from Frozen and Linda was Elsa from the same movie. Maureen was Morticia and Coleen was hysterical as Tracy Turnblad from the film Hairspray. Jake and his friends had taken two weeks to make a ship based on Titanic - They were inside this huge ship, complete with a sea skirt. Their heads were inside the tunnels! It was lovely to allbe together. Last week e celebrated my Brother Brian's birthday on the 19th Maureen had been away on tour for her birthday so we doubled up and had a bit of a party at my house. In addition to our lot we had seven kids. I remarked that the atmosphere was like this when we were all kids. In our case nine barmy kids running amok while the adults tried, in vain, to have a chat. There is no doubt that some of our lot are destined for the stage. Before they all went home to bed one by one they began to ask if they could perform. Maureen's grandchildren sang and the eldest, Ava did a fantastic dance routine. Vinny, who is Anne's Grandson by Amy is a superstar at school and is in the football team. He recently started playing tennis! He can play the flute and has just started guitar lessons! He asked if he could show us his latest dance moves beofre joining his cousin Sienna (Maureen's middle grand child) to sing 'Over The Rainbow' which they had sang before at Linda's 60th. They actually remembered the harmony - Neveah (Alex's daughter) had wanted to do it but her nerves got to her at the last minute. We have never as a family pushed any of the kids to perform. They are the ones pushing us! It must just be in the DNA. I can't tell you just yet, but there is something that is being put together that hopefully will happen in November. I will let you know if and when as soon as I can. I have been asked a lot about Linda's health. She is doing fine and loving having her new dog in her life. She is still at my house but hopes to be back in her own home this week. That will be strange as she has been with me for two years now. I've added a picture of our gathering what a line up - Anyway, I have to dash now as I am on my way to London soon and I need to pack! I hope that you are all keeping well - Speak soon
Den xx

15th DECDMBER 2018
I have not had the chance to chat to you all for so long and that is all my own fault! As a sort of excuse, I have been so busy. Linda is still staying at my house and is doing well. She is having her scans regularly and her next results come in January, so we can be sure we can have a relaxed Christmas. Maureen went up to Panto the other week and we will miss her while she is away. I am planning a pre christmas party at my house so that we can all get together for the day. It is the only chance we will get to see Maureen other than on Christmas Day itself. Twenty one of us went to see the Christmas show at the Opera House in Blackpool the other night. This year it was "The Wizard Of Oz" I have to say that the company that put the show on this year, Selladoor, have really pushed the boat out. The show was a lavish production with beautiful sets and spectacular lighting. We had the best time watching the performers who all worked so hard. Lee Waddingham, who I have worked for in Panto for many years came up with tickets for the press night - I took part in a Vox Pop so that might pop up somewhere soon!
I have done most of my shopping - thank God! This year for the meal we are doing different things. Linda, Maureen our Aunty and I will be with my chap at a local restaurant and Anne will be with her kids and Grandkids at their house and Coleen is in Manchester. We all will be getting together after dinner to open all our gifts.
What do you think of the new website? It's fantastic isn't it! I am so proud of it. Adam uses so much technology it makes me go dizzy just watching. Hopefully you will like it. I have to say that it really does stand up to websites of the big stars that I have seen.
Anyway. I hope that your Christmas is magical and peaceful. We have had a bit of a rubbish time with Linda's diagnosis and Coleen's rough ride with the Kim Woodburn thing. So we are optimistic for a great 2019. I hope that your new year will be exciting and bring you much of what you want to happen.
Raise a glass to us, and I will do with the same to you. Make mine a Dry Martini and tonic! Cheers everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
3rd September 2018
Though not technically a blog item. Denise has this to say.
Okay. This is long!!
I sometimes, as you know use my website to vent!!
I’m venting now!!!
I have often been asked why I’m not on Facebook or twitter, I feel more than justified now!! I cannot believe that there are people out there who actually passed comment on ‘The Loose Women debacle this week, IN SYMPATHY WITH Kim Woodburn!!!!
It’s no secret Coleen and I have had bad feelings in the past, we love each other as siblings - hopefully we have moved on from that, but to call her a bully is laughable.
She is the opposite of that and hates confrontation, and indeed BULLIES TOTALLY!!
I go in All Guns Blazing!!! Thankfully, for all, I wasn’t there!!!
While Ms Woodburn, knowing she was going on the show to hopefully make peace with Coleen, turned on the waterworks within five minutes after she appeared, for all the world to see, whilst Coleen remained calm but went home that day after the show and signed off from the next one which she was supposed to be on, because she was so upset!! She cried all day, PRIVATELY!!! Far from being shouted down, Ms Woodburn never let anyone get a word in, that’s why Coleen made a remark about what she and the other celebrities had put up with in CBB!! Where are Coleen’s friends from that show?! SPEAK UP!!! But, I couldn’t help reading some of the adverse comments from Twitter etc. I know not everyone is a Nolan fan, of course, and we are all SO grateful for the ones we have, but this goes beyond disliking our music or thinking we are untalented. That’s an opinion, as valid as anyone’s. Most people will never know us personally, so their comments about Linda on CBB with Jim Davidson etc were totally uncalled for and as you have not met either, speak to someone unbiased who has, before passing comment!! For the record I worked several times with the ‘Sainted Jim’ all I will say is, it was a very unpleasant experience!!! He should have won an Oscar for his performance on CBB, and must be grateful for the way he was filmed. Friends in high places methinks!!! I feel sorry for genuinely well informed intelligent people on social media, But, I also feel sad for people who actually watched ‘Loose Women’ (or did they?) and actually felt Kim Woodburn was Bullied??!!! Are they really that gullible??!!
There was only one person doing the bullying and that was the Lady in question!!! If she has emotional or mental problems she should not have been invited on there, (Coleen, knowing Kim, pleaded with the producers to NOT have her on the show, to no avail). If she did it for the money, and it was all planned, then, that’s up to her and her conscience!! In my opinion, if that is the case she behaved abominably and I would have said so, no matter who it was. I wish I had a pound for everyone I know in showbiz or otherwise who has had a tough childhood.They got help when they could, and worked it out without bringing it up every time they could!! (to gain public sympathy.) Or indeed tried to help others who were going through the same thing, THIS WAS NOT the way!!! She openly bullied the lovely Linda Robson and practically assaulted her removing her arm so forcefully!! I watched the very warm and nice Aggie on a reality TV show recently. (Again I don’t know her, it’s just the way she came across, in my opinion, totally different to Kim). I had read the cleaning show they did together finished because Aggie and Kim just didn’t get on??
After seeing both of them, I have to say, I know who I’d believe was the difficult one!!. Aggie and the whole team in that show finished up as good friends.The same cannot be said for Kim in CBB. Very few liked her, or was I again watching a different show and they were ALL bullies? I think not. Speaking of talent, which she and her supporters keep bringing up. Is cleaning a talent? I know someone who did a play with her recently and she was sacked as she was so bad!! I know, that’s cruel, and I wouldn’t mention it, as, unlike the twitter trolls, I do have a life, but she hurt two people who are very dear to me, badly and unfairly, so I feel justified!!! Unfortunately, she achieved what she wanted and has myself and everyone talking, so well done for that, Ms Woodburn, there are nicer ways!!!
14th July 2016
So I came down yesterday to our London flat by train from Preston.
Okay it's not the most glamorous station and I usually travel via Manchester Piccadilly but with two full sized cases and by myself, I figured, taxi to Preston and straight through to Euston Station in London. Perfect.
The train was delayed by a half hour and when it arrived, it was jam packed!!
I shared a table with two young men and one gentleman around my age, but that day turned out to be a really good one and renewed my faith in human kindness and honesty. The man I sat next to, carried both cases on and off the train for me and found spaces for them as well when there was very little room and proved to be an amiable companion on the journey, as were the other two men.
I then alighted from the train where Tom and I were reunited after a two week hiatus from each other (too long!!!)
We chatted excitedly, walking up the ramp and the cases fell off the trolley. Again, another young man very kindly put them back on the trolley for us after which we then decided we needed to inspect the plumbing? (Visit the loos). Luckily (as it turned out) I decided to visit Boots chemist and on searching for my wallet discovered it was missing, with credit cards, railcard plus a sizeable amount of cash in it!! On returning to the platform the guard told me he'd handed it in to Lost Property where I retrieved it totally intact. It's times like these, I realise that gentlemen really do Still exist and a happy reunion with Tom turned into SO much more!!!
Hope your day turned out as well!!!
Greetings to lovely nephew Shane Jnr whose gorgeous baby daughter Amelia Rose gets christened on the 24th July. Sod's law I can't go, due to a prior commitment, but I SO hope it's a very special day for him, baby and Baby's Mummy. (I haven't Amelia yet, and as Shane is not with her Mummy, I'm not likely to meet her either, anytime soon). But I wish them all a perfect day and hope Shane can remain friends with Amelia's Mummy always, for their precious baby's sake.
Also very happy birthday to sis in law Annie on the 19th July and brother Tommy on the 20th and niece Charlotte around the same time.
Happy birthday to anyone celebrating in July, including Marianne Corlett on the 26th and Tom's sis Anne on the 27th.
1st July 2016
Hi, everyone.
So, are you enjoying our marvellous summer? I have my wellies and bikini on standby every day. (I will move forward very quickly from visions of myself in a bikini.)
It has been a good and bad few weeks. Tragic news for some lovely close family who had to go through one of the worst tragedies, the loss of newborn, much wanted, much loved baby girls. They were born too soon.Our hearts go out to them and hope their close family, will in time help them to live with this devastating loss. We all send our love and hope they know they are always in our thoughts. Plus the third anniversary of the incalculable loss of our Bernie, 4th July. Still doesn't seem real!!!
Thank you once again for your amazing support and loyalty, your good wishes were so comforting and brought back images of those wonderful people standing for hours in the intense heat on that black day in 2013. I will never forget the love you showed for Bernie. It's what set the waterworks off for me and they flowed constantly all day. On the plus side, a very happy Independence Day to our loved ones in the USA. Tom Jr, Becky, Cassidy, Victoria, Michael, Val and all other friends there.
I was determined to have a day at the Pleasure Beach with family and friends this week, it is more important than ever to have good times with loved ones, while I can. I love my Blackpool, and always try to take advantage of some of our great entertainment venues. The famous Pleasure Beach being a big part. So, after spending the week monitoring the weather, (it's a miserable day out in the rain) I took a gamble and booked Sunday the 3rd for 17 of us, including three babies, several littlies and a lot of adult tots. We had a Marvellous day. I don't know why I get myself a pass as I went on two toddler rides and two adult rides, I would rather watch!! If I have one complaint, I cannot believe, non riders like my Aunt in her mobility scooter and two tiny babies still have to pay £6 to just accompany us???
Linda, Adam, Another friend, Lee, sis in law Annie and her brood went on all the daredevil rides, I was very impressed.
Adam persuaded me to go on The Steeplechase, he then spent the whole ride in hysterics at my efforts. I was jerked every which way but loose, and could hardly walk when I got off, (why my best friend would find that amusing, I'll never know!!!?)
We finished the day on a ride in which we got literally saturated. But the weather was amazing, I spent it with those I love most and we laughed ourselves hoarse, what better way to spend a day, eh?
The evening was spent at my Sunday must do, Bingo, with Mo, Anne and Linda, with our Pleasure Beach wrist bands still on, looking like we were on day release from prison, and no, we didn't win. So wrapped up, too, with Tennis and Footie these past few weeks, won't know what to do afterwards!! Come on Wales, whatever happens now, SO proud of them, and indeed, my country, Ireland, who did SO well, too. No comments about my partner Tom's team, England, (and my second team) disappointing is an understatement!! Gutted for the fans!!
Change of subject.
I Must say I was very angry and surprised when Adam told me that Fleetwood were advertising a Rat Pack show there in December and that I was the special guest??!!! I have literally been talking to the Rat Pack team and NOTHING has been finalised. I may not do it, at all!!!! If I do, may I once again also state for the umpteenth time, I Do NOT do an impersonation of the great Judy Garland, I perform her songs, with similar arrangements to hers, in My OWN STYLE!!!! I do this because, in my opinion, you cannot sing a song properly and with true personal emotion with someone else's heart!! (I love Adam Lambert, for this reason as he sings Freddie Mercury's music SO magnificently in his own style, nothing to do with the fact he is gorgeous, too, ha ha).
Also It will not be with an orchestra, but a 5 piece and I will be doing three songs in each half, this is, after all, The Rat Pack show. I hope very soon to bring my full Garland tribute, with my 8 piece band, to the North. I like to think there are similarities in my approach to Judy's style of singing but nothing deliberate and the only similarity in our looks is hair colour and being plagued with weight problems all our lives!!
There, now you know, ha ha.
Also can I also state, my birthday is the 6th of April, and not the 9th!!! I receive lots of lovely cards from people AFTER my birthday. I believe the wrong date was in the original Nolan biography. Story of my life!!!!Right now I'm having a lazy day, getting ready to support the great Andy Murray. Come on, Andy!!!!
And how was your week?
30th May 2016
Hi. had to speak to the only outlet that will let me rant without answering back, but I'm SO incensed!!
I don't like Simon Trowell, never have, I think musically he hasn't a clue, he is just fortunate to sometimes come across a gem that even a deaf mute could appreciate has talent and knows how to exploit them and make money!!!
So, I decided to curtail BGT till the final as I know it will at least, produce a pretty decent variety show which is a rarity these days and it did!! The tribute by Ashley Banjo was great as were most of the acts and although I am not a great magic fan, I appreciate the talent, especially, of close up magic and the young soldier Richard Jones, was very clever!!! Whilst the tribute too, to the old man was very moving!!
I was bored one evening and had already tuned in to one of the semi-finals and had to lie down afterwards when they put a very ordinary 'karaoke singer' (Mr Trowell's own expression) through to the final?? But when that Karaoke singer came second overall I realised its not a talent show anymore. The public mostly go for people they like and Trowell and co haven't a clue!!!! Yes, I rate Alesha as a singer, and I think Amanda has talent, but maybe not in this genre of singing. This IS my area of expertise as I am a Sinatra era fanatic and worked with the great man. I also worked with the fabulous Matt Monro who was highly complimentary of my work in singing the great American songbook. I say this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to hopefully, let you know my qualifications in this field of entertainment.
The young man Wayne Woodward who seemed perfectly affable was, a very poor singer, who's only recommendation was, (another Trowell expression) his 'likeability' Maybe we should rename it BGL - Britain's Got likeability.
Trowell says Sinatra was his favourite, Frank would use John McEnroe's famous lines, if he were alive - 'You cannot be serious'!!!!!!
Sure the public voted for Wayne but the judges who are supposed to know their onions, stood up and heaped praise on him and the public trust that Simon and co know what they are talking about -They don't!!
There were two things I always hated Trowell saying, 'Karaoke Singer' and 'Cruise Ship entertainer'. The latter is a lot more than just being a reasonable singer. On a ship you have to have both, a good voice and immense likeability. It's a very hard career and not to be dismissed as he does whenever he doesn't know how to describe a vocalist, and so many great singers these days started out in pubs on karaoke, mainly because live bands are few and far between.
For me, ALL the other vocalists on the show were better than that young man.
The young girl Beau Dermott is, possibly the best singer I have EVER heard on BGT. I actually thought, I wonder who'll be second!!! Not only were her vocals superb, but the emotion she portrayed was amazing. I feel sure we will here from her again. Probably Simon already has her under contract, it would not surprise me. Also the other young lady Jasmine Elcock had a beautiful voice and, sorry, 'Likeability'
The Mother and son Mel and Jaime were also very good singers. The ballet dancers were enchanting. In fact for me, Wayne was the weakest act in the final!!
There, I've had me rant!!! I feel better for it, ha ha.
Off to Torquay on Sunday week to see my sis in 'Footloose' - Love it there, my niece Amy was born in that area, Anne's ex, Brian Wilson, played football for Torquay United, so we spent a lot of time there and it's gonna be lovely to visit it, again.Tom is driving again, so we'll have a ball.
I'd like to wish Maureen Happy Birthday for the 14th June, also brother Brian on the 19th and Niece, Ciara, on the same day. Also Happy Fathers Day to my lovely chap, Tom, and also his son, Tom Jr. in California,
Also to Adam, Carl and Lee, have a great holiday in Greece.
And how was your week?
Denise xxxx
4th May 2016
What is happening!!! David Gest, Victoria Wood and now Prince. All gone too soon! Prince, especially, he was 57!!
Having seen our beloved Bernie pass away far too young, (my little sister) it seems worse somehow, in these days that people are living a lot longer, to hear of the deaths of immensely talented people who are still in their early 50s or 60s. Of course, if it's someone you love personally, it doesn't matter how old they are, you want them to live forever. It makes me fully aware how fragile life can be, my chap, Tom, has had a hip replacement two weeks ago, and although, (despite the fact that its a major operation,) I know, these days it's very successful, all sorts of thoughts still ran through my head, the day before. Happily, he's doing well, although in some discomfort at times. But far less pain then what he has endured for two years, before the op. Hopefully, this pain is temporary. I think the boredom will affect us more. There is only so much TV you can watch!! There has been a lot of football on, so that pleased Tom. I do like football but I'm now even bored with that!! Tom had the op in London so the worst problem for me is missing the little ones in Blackpool. I know I'll notice a big change in them when I see them in May. But, in the end, it'll be so worth it, to see Tom able to walk and even run, PAINFREE!! I see Jane McDonald is to tour with 'Sunset Boulevard'. I wish her lots of luck, with MY ROLE!! Ha ha.
I have loved Webber's Norma Desmond since I sang 'With one look' in a Scarborough summer season. It's on my website and I still have a look now and then. So, with a hint of envy, I wish Ms McDonald well. Andrew, if you are looking in, I'll step in, when Jane needs a break, ha ha.
And how was your week? Xx
17th MARCH 2016
Well, we did it and was a great success!! The Pizza Express, Dean Street, Soho, London, on Monday the 14th March was the place to be!!! (Ha ha)
Full House and two standing ovations. One, when my sis, Anne got up and joined me onstage in a Streisand/Garland duet, then at the end.
It was, as has already been stated, my tribute, (not an impersonation) to the legendary Judy Garland, with my 7 piece band
(Including, him indoors) on drums.
With arrangements originally taken from the great lady's 1961 concert at Carnegie Hall, by Manchester pianist and Musical Director Brian Pendleton, (for you older lot, a good friend who led The Syd Lawrence Orchestra when the famous bandleader passed away) and with the fantastic Dave Bintley as my Musical Director on the night, it is the most fun and terror, (at the same time) I've ever had!!!
For you younger lot, perhaps you can remember Dorothy from 'The Wizard Of Oz,' played by a 17 year old Judy? Tom and I, to use a Northern expression we're brickin it. We haven't done the show for some time, about three years. For me, it's remembering Judy's story, with dates etc. For Tom on drums, it's having SO many friends in, who thought he ran a security firm!!! He's a very talented drummer, too!!!
Also, to go from not singing for thirteen months to doing a two hour show with some really passionate big songs is no easy feat, I can tell you, but it worked!!!
Judy was not known for her laid back stage performances!! So, it is SO rewarding to get the sort of feedback we got from an audience especially after reading in a tabloid :-
'Denise practically gave up singing in 1976, saying, "This Showbiz life is not for me"!!!!????
Utter nonsense perpetrated by I know not who or, indeed, why? I don't care, this has helped me put comments like those to rest!!! If you were there, thank you SO much for your support, if not? WHY NOT? Ha ha, just joshing ya, you'd have needed to get a second mortgage to buy a drink!!
Why is London SO bloody expensive!!!
I can have a great night out in good old Blackpool for quarter the price and quarter the distance!!! Thank you SO much for the flowers and good wishes from family and friends and special thanks to Anne, Adam, Carl and Lee for making the long journey from Blackpool to Central London just for the night. Anne deserves another BIG thank you for proving we oldies have still got it, she knocked em dead!!
Tom and I are now cheerfully basking in the praise and compliments we have constantly been receiving for the show.
Happy times.
And how was your day?
17th FEBRUARY 2016
Hi, everyone.
Can't believe it's nearly March!!
Hope some of you, the London Branch anyway, can make my concert on the 14th March. (read about it on the website). SO looking forward to it, but bricking it, too, as I consciously decided to have a break since last Panto and wonder if I still have a voice!!
I must say its SO nice to reach a stage in your life where you can pick and choose what you WANT to do. The JUDY GARLAND tribute is a personal favourite of mine.
While I hasten to add, it's NOT an impersonation, it is such a treat to get to perform these great songs of the legendary lady, with my wonderful Rainbow Orchestra. Whether you are a fan of Judy's or not, if you liked that era of music, you'll have to admit, she was associated with some great songs and such an assortment!!! From the torch Ballads like 'The Man That Got Away,' to the slightly sarcastic version of 'When You're Smilin' to the great jazz number. 'Zing Went The Strings' and of course voted the worlds favourite ballad, 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'! Etc etc. That is why I have to sing them as myself, because it's far more fun to sing with my passion and emotion, instead of Judy's. I hope I do her justice!!
My man, Tom, of course will be on drums. This will be just before he goes in for a replacement hip operation! Bless him. Couldn't do the show without him.
We have had many great plaudits for the show, if you can make it, I hope you'll agree.
Finally, I'd just like to wish Big SIs Anne, her Daughter Alex and Son In Law Steve, plus gorgeous Grandchildren, Vinny, Nevaeh, and Danny a fantastic trip to Florida on 20th March.
Also Little sister Linda, Happy Birthday for 23rd Feb, Nephew Steve for 28th Feb, Niece Amy for March 7th, Granddaughter Cassidy for March 8th , my man Tom, March 11th ( he shares his special day with Shane and Jake's Dad, Shane Richie) and cute little terror Ryder, happy 4th birthday on April 5th. (Where has the time gone?)
Many happy returns to anyone out there with Birthday's coming up
Loads of love. Xxx
21st May 2015
I find it sad that nationally the courts decided there was insufficient reason to take Linda's recent benefit enquiries any further. Yet, her beloved home where she has spent her life decided to take her to court!!
Once again, I have to ask, is it because she's a Nolan?
That would be sad.
In the last few years, Linda has been through Hell on Earth, the death of her beloved soulmate, Brian, making her a widow in her 40's our beloved Mother in the same year, and a few years later, the untimely and very painful passing of our very much loved baby sister Bernie, Linda's playmate as children and her closest in age, sibling. Also, she watched her eldest sibling Anne, fight and beat cancer. As she did herself later on, with the help of some brilliant and now firm friends at Victoria Hospital, and the wonderful McMillan Nurses. But, only after a Mastectomy and with painful cellulitis for the rest of her life.
This has led her to ringing The Samaritans who have helped her enormously, a pill addiction, self harming and a financial crisis all fought and slowly easing as the years go by,
She still lives in a small rented semi detached home and sometimes despite rumours to the contrary struggles to get by. But, still, in the past few years she has given SO much of herself to helping others. She has raised thousands for cancer research here in Blackpool and like the rest of the family, defends Blackpool to the hilt against its many detractors, praising it's incredible amenities for holidays, and rightly so, it's lovely people.
Yet, Blackpool Borough Council decides to go ahead and prosecute her for something which she is innocent of, having been totally misled!!
There are many people who deserve censure in our dearly loved town, Linda isn't one of them, and I for one, will seriously think about packing up and leaving if they go ahead with this case!!! They don't deserve our loyalty anymore, that's for sure!!!
Keep your chin up Linda, even though this is is taking you back down a very bad road to depression again. There are SO many people in your corner, besides family and friends.
We will see you through this disgraceful act by this disgraceful council!!!!
Love you loads!!! Xxx
18th May 2015
I have to apologise to my niece and Goddaughter Alex, Husband Steve, The boys Vinny and Danny, My sister Anne and Steve's mum, Jean and her family and Aunty Amy etc etc. Why???
Because I told you all my new great niece's name, Neveah, is Heaven spelled backwards?
Not spelled incorrectly it isn't!!!
It should have said Nevaeh!!!! Oops.
She is stunningly beautiful, though, whatever her name!! My sister Anne's first granddaughter after two boys, (Ryder and Vinny.) Love them all SO much including, of course, Sienna and Ava (Mo's granddaughter's, with another granddaughter due for her too, in August) Please tell your daughter in law, Maddie, to call her new baby Ethel or Ada, Mo, PLEASE. I Can't handle any more posh names. I'm OLD!!! (Kidding about those names by the way)
Sorry, again...
12th March 2015
Well, it was Him indoors' birthday yesterday, 11th March. We went to Cornwall. Here till Monday 16th March. Amazing time. Went all posh on the day, Rick Stein's seafood restaurant. Lobster Thermidor to die for. Not quite Burger King prices but worth it for my beloved's birthday.
This really is God's own country. Spectacular. Despite the rather inclement weather. I'm a scenery girl, always. Loving it!!!! My 21st AGAIN on April 6th. Ha ha. At home but going to another beauty spot for lunch near Blackpool. Then having tea with the littlies. Can't wait. Life is so sweet, grab the best of it, while you can!!!
And how was your day. Lotsa love, Denise. Xxx
10th February 2015
Once again I must congratulate Katie Hopkin for making me mad enough to say something on my website.
I believe The Loose Women gave her a taste of her own medicine yesterday and she was stuck for words!! Can't take it Eh, Ms Hopkins?
So, what does she do? She goes on Gutter, sorry Twitter to slag someone who wasn't even there!! Someone Who is a widow, lost her younger sister recently to cancer and has had a double mastectomy as well. She was beaten by Coleen, so picks again on Linda. How LOW can this woman stoop!!! I can only hope she never runs into Linda anywhere, she'll be one sorry cow!!! No, let me rephrase that, I HOPE she runs into Linda.
As to Katie Hopkins being BULLIED by Coleen Nolan and Janet Street Porter,
Katie Hopkins, bullied??
21st January 2015
So, The Panto is finished and its 2015!! Happy New Year to you all.
It was a great success. Broke all the records and I'm knackered!! I think I'm getting too old for this great British tradition.
As I said during rehearsals, How times have changed.! Pantomimes cram 3 months into three weeks and consequently, there's very little time for socialising and its mostly hard work, especially when you are 62!!
For the first time, the hard work outweighed my love of panto.
The cast were SO lovely and SO good and I really don't want to turn into a moaning Minnie but....
I got the cough from hell and it only eased on the last day,
We had a lovely evening in the Marina theatre cafe before we opened, and our very musical cast all sang carols and Christmas songs around the piano, with the help of our talented and very helpful, obliging MD, Ben Holder and the theatre staff who treated us royally.
In fact, if you go online and find The local Lowestoft Paper, The Journal, you can hear us sing, 'Hark The Herald Angels Sing'
I missed spending Christmas with the family and the only person who made it to Lowestoft was good mate, Adam, who had to catch four different trains to get there. Above and beyond, Adam, thank you so much. It was very much appreciated. It was just too far for family to travel with the little ones, as it was a seven hour trip, at least, from Blackpool, and consequently, we couldn't make the trip back there, either.
Thanks for all the beautiful flowers I received for opening night. From Adam, Carl and Lee. Mo and Linda, Aunty Teresa, Anne and family and Steve Johnson and family. Felt so proud. My dressing cupboard, (very small, ha ha,) was like a florists shop!!
We did enjoy our Christmas, however. My lovely fella, Tom, put all my decorations up and we did spend a lovely restful Christmas, which we both needed. He cooked all day and bought me some beautiful gifts, as did my family.
We watched, 'Miracle on 34th Street,' and two oldies, (although we watched the latest version with the late great Richard Attenborough, the former was an original oldie, too, with Maureen O'Hara and a very young Natalie Wood). The other films were 'An Affair To Remember', with Cary Grant and a Christmas favourite, 'Wonderful Life' with James Stewart.
Some tears were shed, partly because of these great movies and partly, with thoughts of those we've lost. (Tom's beloved sister, Jean, died on Xmas Eve in 2012), and my beloved Sis', Bernie. Both Jean and Bernie loved the holiday season and we both knew they would have wanted us to enjoy it, so we did our best!!
On 27th December, my Niece And Goddaughter, Alexandra, gave birth to her second child, a baby girl named Neveah Gabrielle Palmer. She's beautiful and although poor Alex had a difficult and agonising time. Everyone, Dad Steve, Mum Alex, big Brother Vinny, half brother, Danny, and all grandparents - including my Sister, Anne ,who is ecstatic with her first granddaughter, are besotted with Neveah, (Heaven backwards, in case you didn't realise),
I got back to Blackpool eventually on the 11th January and got my first cuddle with the precious bundle on the 12th. HEAVEN. Now I know why they called her NEVEAH!!!
Still in touch with the cast and most of us will meet up at Paul Holman's Panto Party on The 25th Jan. Look forward to seeing them all again.
Then Tom Jnr and his fiancée, Becky are here from LA for ten days. So excited to see my Stepson and his fab lady, again, after our trip over there in November.
My plans for 2015??? Lose BLOODY WEIGHT!!! Spend lots of time with loved ones and pray for an illness free year for myself and everyone I care for.
I would also love, along with many others, to see religious fanatics everywhere, realise they are doing more harm than good to their faith, by their cowardly and maniacal actions. Also like good people everywhere, I want to see a cure, as quickly as possible, for cancer, Altzeimers and Ebola etc....But these are vain hopes, I know.
Back to reality. Have a listen to my Nephew, Jake's band, Rixton - Their new EP and Single is written by Ed Sheerin no less!!! It's called 'Hotel Ceiling' and I think it's FAB!! Biased - but I do think they have a winner here!!!
I would like to thank those of you who sent Christmas cards and good wishes for Christmas, and wish you all a very, very Happy and Peaceful New Year!!
Loads of Love,
Denise and Tom. Xxxx
16th December 2014
Hi, and a merry Christmas to us one and all!
Just opened in Pantomime in Siberia. ( just feels that way, miles from everywhere, except Norfolk and Suffolk). Lowestoft, Marina Theatre. Lovely friendly locals, though.)
Getting too long in the tooth for this. Never thought I'd say, "I miss the old days" but I do!! Panto is short and very hard work these days, used to be three months long, now, three months is crammed into three weeks!!
On the plus side, very talented cast, Philip Green, BGT finalist, impressionist, singer, dancer, comedian, too good, I hate him. Ha ha. Jon Moses, What a voice!! Absolutely beautiful and dances too, same with Snow White, Georgia, and Suzanne, fairy. All singing all dancing cast. The dame Joe Standerline and Muddles, Rik Gaynor also very talented and ALL SO nice, if Tom and I have to be away at Christmas, I can't think of nicer people to spend the festive season with.
Got five bouquets of flowers? Loved it. From best friends Adam, Carl and Lee. Another friend, Steve Johnson, Mo and Linda, Aunty Teresa, Anne and all the Wilsons. One lucky lady!! Thanks to all of you.
Tom running around for me today, bless him, watched the show today. Said, for a first day, it was superb. Mind you, he is biased!!!
Look forward to seeing Adam on the 22nd. He's travelling from Blackpool. Has four train changes. Has to Go back on the 23rd!! So, appreciate it!! Thanks, Adam.
Getting my hair colour in tomorrow, Adam who is also my hairstylist not happy, but, I can't wait any longer. Beginning to look like the Mother in Psycho. The corpse, I mean!!!!
Anyway, that's my news, and how was your day?
Lots of love and luck from Tom and I.
Thoughts of my Mum whose birthday it was yesterday. Born 15th December 1926, died December 30th 2007, How she loved Christmas, as did Bern and Dad.
Like to think she is with them somewhere. Love and miss them always.
Den & Tom xxx
October 17th 2014
Hi Everyone,
SO very proud of Big Sis, Anne, who's appearing in 'Whats All The Fuss About' at The Regent Theatre, Stoke On Trent, Wednesday to Saturday 18th October.
Standing Ovation on opening night ! Well deserved and proving that, for whatever reason she was left out, she deserved to play a major part in any Nolan reunion!!
She also looks amazing, still having the best shape in the family.
Also, can't speak for anyone else, but, does Simon Cowell make my blood boil!!
I only watch the live shows now, as its a chance to hear some good singers and I cannot stand the patronising way, this man, (whose only talent is in making money, no matter who he hurts to do so,) talks to the auditionees , some who have just gotten through the preliminary rounds, 'cos they are good for us to laugh at!! I find it most uncomfortable and feel that someday, it would not surprise me, if Mr. Cowell is quite seriously attacked, particularly in The States where guns are SO easy to obtain, by unhinged performers or their families, who, let's face it, like all our kith and kin, think their loved ones are Phenominal.
On Sunday I saw him tear four very young boys to shreds!! They were bad in the sing off, the girl only slightly better, but, having been there, they were incredibly nervous and tense, and I personally think, they could sing!! I get so nervous at times, I have to sit down when performing and I cannot breathe, let alone sing. And I have never been in that situation, thank God.
Did anyone hear the guy murdering Livin La vida Loco? Oh, I forgot, SIMON'S singer.
But, my point is, whether you liked them or not, they were already on their way out and in pieces, why kick them when they are down, his comments about them were atrocious and SO uncalled for!! I SO hope they do a Jennifer Hudson, she came fourth in The States and was told by Cowell, she would never amount to anything.
She's now an Oscar winning superstar!!!!
Have a great weekend and spare a moment to remember Our BERN, who would have been 54 on the 17th October. R.I.P.
Love and miss her forever.
April 28th 2014
Went to see RIXTON the other night. Remember that name!!
The very talented lead singer, said with TOTAL bias, although it's true, is my adored nephew, Jake Roche. They were brilliant. So surreal to see girls camped outside, screaming inside, and all I can think about is the happy times we spent when he was as cute as a button at four years old and MAD about showbusiness! The band have already charted in The States and are appearing on the USA version of The Voice tonight, Monday, 28th April. 100 million viewers!!! Alas Jake has bronchitis and tonsillitis. Break a leg Jake, adrenalin will get you through!! The single comes out in summer here. 'Me and My Broken Heart' Check them out on Youtube!!
Would adore my godson If he was a dustman. But, SO Proud. They deserve it. They've worked SO hard.
Went to see RIXTON the other night. Remember that name!!
The very talented lead singer, said with TOTAL bias, although it's true, is my adored nephew, Jake Roche. They were brilliant. So surreal to see girls camped outside, screaming inside, and all I can think about is the happy times we spent when he was as cute as a button at four years old and MAD about showbusiness! The band have already charted in The States and are appearing on the USA version of The Voice tonight, Monday, 28th April. 100 million viewers!!! Alas Jake has bronchitis and tonsillitis. Break a leg Jake, adrenalin will get you through!! The single comes out in summer here. 'Me and My Broken Heart' Check them out on Youtube!!
Would adore my godson If he was a dustman. But, SO Proud. They deserve it. They've worked SO hard.