Charity - Denise Nolan - The Official Website

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Denise Nolan is proud to be a patron of two charities, Niemann Pick and Alzheimer's Society - She is also involved with a Breast Cancer Charity

Niemann Pick is a condition similar to Alzheimer's Disease - It affects young children and there is no cure - please visit the website and if you can support them in any way Denise would be very grateful.

Denise has long supported the Alzheimer's society and was made a patron in 2008. Her Mother was a sufferer of the disease and she asks you to support them if you can.
Denise also urges you to visit their site

Three of Denise's Sisters have battled breast cancer. Anne is proof that the disease can be beaten. Bernie lost her fight against cancer in 2013 - the charity needs money! Please help!

Linnks to the site are to be found on the links page which you can reach by clicking here

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